Sacred Chickens
Readings on Racism by Sacred Chickens Staff This is not really a political site in one way, but as you know if you’ve read through our pages for long, we believe that all stories are political in that they give us a lens that helps us navigate real life, our expectations, and how we think we and others should be treated. Sometimes, we like to share opinions and stories that relate to current events. Here are some links we are working through this week. In addition to the articles Jarad and I have found enlightening, a neighbor of mine shared some links with the neighborhood. Her recommended readings can be accessed under the label Anti-Racism Resources. (She shared the YouTube video that made this list as well.) We all need to stop and ask ourselves sometimes if we’re listening. Are we hearing other’s stories and perspectives? All of these links are food for thought. Read them. Listen to them. If they’re different from the perspective you usually hear, all the better. White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of our Nation’s Divide, by Carol Anderson Here’s a quote by the neighbor who shared it, “This is a professor from Emory. Please do not be offended at the title of the lecture. In less than an hour she goes through the history of institutionalized racism---with a focus on educational inequality and criminal justice inequality. AND, she starts with the Michael Brown killing in Ferguson, MO and the riots that followed.” I’ve already viewed this video and I can highly recommend it. Anti-Racism Resources This list has everything! From children’s books, to articles, to podcasts! I’ve listened to some of these (I can recommend Pod Save the People wholeheartedly!). I will be working my way through the rest. Remember, No One Is Coming to Save US, by Roxane Gay Roxane Gay is one of my favorite feminist writers. She’s not only a great journalist, she writes fiction. Check out Difficult Women, a short story collection that I couldn’t put down. Destructive Power of Despair, by Charles M. Blow Charles M. Blow has been a New York Time Op-Ed columnist since 2008. It’s worth going through the archives. The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander Although this book was written in 2010, it clearly establishes how deeply racist and classist the legal system is. If you would like to read a full-length book on the topic, this is a very good place to start. Even if you wouldn’t like to read a full-length book…read this one anyway. The Civil Rights Movement Shattered White Evangelical Identity, by Fred Clark Read this with the knowledge that this is a blog piece. If you can’t follow the thread through this one article, please follow the links the author shares and go back and read through the archives of this blog. Taken as a whole, The Slacktivist blog by this former evangelical has an interesting and thoughtful take on the history of the white evangelical church. George Floyd’s Murder and Amy Cooper’s Call Are the Same Story, by Isa-Lee Wolf This story pulls together the threads of the past few weeks. It’s a succinct article, short and easy to read. Rantt media is worth the follow. Van Jones on George Floyd Van Jones shares his anguish over the killing of George Floyd and where we go from here. Killer Mike's Speech on George Floyd Killer Mike made an impassioned speech about the murder of George Floyd and the protests and riots in Atlanta. Trevor Noah on the Dominoes of Racial Injustice and Police Brutality Trevor Noah shares his insights into the impacts and reasons behind the national unrest surrounding the killing of George Floyd. Review of the Hate You Give Mekayla Trout reviewed this book for us some time ago, but it still has profound relevance to the current times. George Floyd's Brother Urges Calm George Floyd's brother, Terrence Floyd, urges calm at the spot of his brother's death. The Killings Must Stop Here is an editorial by the Southern Poverty Law Center pleas for the killings to end.
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