Sacred Chickens
Weekend Reading by Sacred Chickens Staff We at Sacred Chickens love books. We really do; but sometimes life gets in the way of reading. So, we have decided to introduce a new section of the blog called Weekend Reading, where Jarad, Morty, and Julie tell you what they want to read over the weekend. We may not get it all done, but at least we'll feel bad about it. This weekend, Morty's reading........ In the Time of Madness- Richard Lloyd Perry What is it? This book is the personal record of a British reporter, Richard Lloyd Parry, who is caught up in a time of great unrest as he covers Indonesia for the news. He is witness to the collapse of the Suharto regime and to the violence of the Dayak, natives of Borneo, as they begin to hunt down and behead and then cannibalize the Madurese Muslims who have migrated to their Island. The author is also present during violent clashes between the government and student protestors. This book is well-written and researched, but the author does not disguise the emotions he experiences as witness to the violence and trauma. Why read it? In addition to being a complex, compelling look at a slice of history and the collapse of a political system by someone who was there, this book asks important questions about how easily people, any people, slip into the madness of hatred and violence.
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