Sacred Chickens
Time for chicks again. Hooray! Maybe. It is a time of great excitement but it is coupled with some doubt and anxiousness because….boo! Some of them always die. So I always have to clean out some eggs that never quite turned into chickens and sometimes a dead chick or two. And that juxtaposition sort of ruins the imaginary story book picture of baby chicks that I would prefer to keep in my head. And my mama hen, Kikimora, chose to sit on even more eggs than Ligeia ever attempted. So we shall see….
Chick pics in a few days I hope. I expect them around the thirtieth. Also…there may be a snake in the barn and I have a nest of baby rabbits in the front yard…residence of two of the killingest cats I have ever known. So the possibilities for disaster abound…. When you buy a little place out in the country somehow you don’t really picture yourself chasing deer away from the beans with a broom or tripping in armadillo holes or having to stop in the middle of the drive to explain to bunnies that you CAN SEE THEM and there are cats in the yard. Not so much because I don’t understand that bunnies are prey…it’s largely for my own sanity because I don’t like finding half a rabbit under my sweetheart roses. On the plus side, here are some garden pictures of things that are ALIVE! For now.
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