Sacred Chickens
Jesus in the Ghost Room Author, Rusty Barnes by Lane Scoggins Often through couplets, Rusty Barnes, author of "Jesus in the Ghost Room", utilizes everyday events to speak to deeper ideas about the circle of life, death, sexuality, and fatherhood, as well as many other topics. My favorite poem was "Sometimes I Say", in which Rusty Barnes breaks down how it feels to have suicidal thoughts in an authentic and poignant way. The poem opens up with "Sometimes I say to you suicide and you say slice by length not by width, and judge carefully the angle of the blade at the rise and tumble of the vein."
Bio: Lane Scoggins is a student at Vol State College. He won first place in the 2018 Tennessee Magazine Poet's Playground in the 19-22 category. He has contributed poetry reviews at Sacred Chickens.
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